Saturday, November 28, 2009

We got a not-big convoy!

When I finished my bike trailer project I had some comments and requests in regards to seeing the trailer in action underway and under load. Well to keep all two of my faithful viewers happy I can certainly do that. I did a shot rip up the street and back and made a few mental notes about the trailer:

1. when loaded with heavy stuff, the trailer is heavy.
2. the brakes of the bike work but you need extra time to stop with over 100lbs(trailer+cargo) of extra weight strapped to the bike.
3. on a level bit of road the trailer isn't very noticeable.
4. I get funny looks from people when I leave the garage with any of my contraptions.

Anyway I hope you enjoy the little video. I've got the raw footage shot for a couple other little videos already as well so hopefully I'll have time to process those soon.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Post-Halloween pumpkin carving

So I haven't updated for a month. I've been taking care of real life things which seem to keep piling up in a big crap-stack of stress and inconvenience. C'est la vie. I'm updating now for what it's worth...

Being so busy recently I haven't really embarked on any crazy new projects but I've got a couple little bits of business to take care of. First off is Halloween. I carved up some last-minute pumpkins for Trick Or Treat Night and decided to add a little hillbilly flair to dress them up by incorporating a chainsaw that I dug out of the trash. blammo:

So I thought that for a proper sendoff to my faithful pumpkins I'd put a real chainsaw to them before stuffing them in the green bin. The following is the video evidence: